If you want to make a complaint about Fundfina:
- you can e-mail complaints@Fundfina.com , with brief details of your complaint and your Fundfina UserID. Our customer service staff will acknowledge your complaint by e-mail within three working days
- They will then investigate and send you an initial response, having had access to an officer with the authority to settle the complaint (including, where appropriate, an offer of redress)
- We would like resolve most complaints within five business days after acknowledging receipt of complaint
- If the complaint is not resolved within the timeframe, we will send you a copy of this complaints handling procedure with a status update on your complaint on regular basis till closure
- If you are not satisfied by our response, email coo@Fundfina.com. Senior Customer Services Manager will respond by e-mail within five business days. If not resolved within those time frame, it will be automatically escalated to the Chief Operating Officer
For any grievances, you may write to our nodal grievance redressal officer
Name: Nishant Bhaskar
Mobile: +918591340160
Email: grievances@fundfina.com
Mailing Address: Workwise Solutions, Level-16 Trade world, D-wing, Kamala mills, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400013
Grievance Redressal Mechanism of the Lenders